Take part in the BGN campaigns. You will receive daily tips for a healthy lifestyle throughout spring and fall. There are also recipes, exercise tips, and a weekly challenge.
The focus is on healthier eating, drinking and exercising. The campaign also prepares you to continue on your own in the summer and winter.
Joining in: How and Where?
Follow the campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and the BGN website for daily social media posts.
You can also take part in events to help you create healthy habits in your daily life. These are organised by weight consultants who are members of the association. We give you personal advice and suggestions for a healthy lifestyle.
Example of what to expect

This example is from our previous Spring Campaign: Summerproef (summerproof)
The BGN developed this campaign to help you manage your weight step by step with one healthy habit at a time.
When is the next campaign?
The previous campaign was in the autumn of 2020. The next one will be in the spring or autumn of 2021.
“Our Vitality Forward 1.2.3 campaign will run from September 21st to November 15th. A great campaign to inspire you to influence your daily eating pattern directly and to focus on a healthy future!”-BGN.

Who are we?
The campaigns are the BGN ‘s annual initiative. The BGN is the Dutch Professional Association of Weight Management Consultants.
A BGN weight consultant:
- Motivates people to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.
- Guides you through weight loss, weight gain or maintaining weight.
- Does not work with slimming products or diets
- Is certified
- Is a nutritionist and coach
- Regularly trains in nutrition, exercise, and coaching topics.
Medically responsible participation
These campaigns are designed for healthy adults who want to control their weight.
If you have a medical or mental health condition, speak to your doctor first.