I follow the principle that health is a physical, mental and social state in which you feel healthy. I provide information about the brain and cognitive issues. Consult with me on these topics for your research for reports, scenarios and policy plans. Or work with me on projects to help people stay mentally and physically healthy.

Sharon Hasselbaink

Psychologist/Neuroscientist, MSc.

Weight Management Consultant and Primary Care Graduate Mental Health Worker

Work with a psychologist

Would you like to know how alcoholism expresses itself? Or dementia? Or how brain processes work when there is brain damage? Then collaborate with me. I’m a psychologist who can advise you on these matters.

I provide information about the brain and mental issues. Consult with me on these topics for your research (reports), scenarios, and policy plans. I can advise you.

My background in psychology revolves around these subjects. And my work experience in various functions has given me a more in-depth insight.

My specialisations are Health behaviour, Mental Health and the Brain-Behaviour connection.

Read more about my professional background and training

Work with me

I partner up within the following areas and Themes:

Activities: Health promotion, Training, Consultancy, Research, Writing and Reviews.

Themes: Nutrition, Psychology, Behavioural change, Human Potential, Food psychology (Nutritional psychology), Brainfood (Nutritional Neuroscience), Food writing and
Running therapy .


Psychological knowledge can help us solve challenges rooted in human behaviour by better understanding the cause and achieving success in business and life.

Services: Training, Research and Consultancy

Psychological knowledge also helps people make positive life changes, such as improving their health or weight management.

Services: Nutrition consulting, Health promotion.

A personalised running programme that combines stress-free, relaxing running with exercises to improve physical and mental health.

Service: Runningtherapy


I work with Loketgezondleven.nl-approved lifestyle interventions and programs and interventions that are otherwise scientifically-backed or approved by psychologists, like running therapy, a mind-body intervention.

I am certified in these interventions. And I was trained by, among others, the Brickhouse Academy to use the SMARTsize Me Method.


I offer my services in Dutch, English and Spanish

Read more about my Services 

Partners with whom I work 

Professionals, businesses, and institutions involved in the previously mentioned areas and themes or the topics within the scope.

GP Practices, Health Centres and Home Care Services are examples of my work settings. For example, the GP practice is the setting for my work as a Psychological Wellness Practitioner (or Primary Care Graduate Mental Health Practitioner).

“Psychology is a highly applied science. It can help virtually every organisation and person achieve desired results and goals.” – Professor Wagenaar

Other sectors also use my work and field because human knowledge is important to everyone who works with people.

And when it comes to my own projects, I call on the help of professionals. I make use of educational materials and tools. I also order materials designed to help people achieve their health goals from companies.

Learn more about my work

Learn more about my work by following me on social media and visiting my blog.

View my Instagram

My Instagram page features some of my work, and the photos result from previous collaborations. @shrnhasselbaink

Visit my Blog

From a psychological point of view, I blog about everyday topics. My blog also includes reviews of films and books with a psychological theme.

With my blog, I share the newest developments in psychology with a broader audience. Psychology is fascinating, full of information that benefits people in daily life.

Get in Touch

Contact me by e-mail or use the contact form for collaborations or any questions about services.
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